0113 3452627

Environmental News

Big thanks to all our donors.

Between January 2023 and March 2023 we have diverted 161.75 square yards of waste. That is the equivalent of 20 builders skips. The big ones!

Scrap’s materials are collected from over xxx companies across Yorkshire, and we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without their support, so big thanks to all our donors.

We only take clean, non-toxic waste which keeps things simple. Our amazing team of staff and volunteers are very much involved in how we work with the donations we bring into Scrap, deciding how to package, display and price each item.

We limit using plastic bags for displaying products and those plastic bags we do use are always donated or saved from skips. The Scrap van goes out all over the region to collect donations, but some companies are kind enough to deliver to us too. We can save companies a lot of money by taking their waste so it’s a win win situation.

If you know of any Yorkshire businesses that have non toxic, clean waste that should be given another life please get in touch with details – admin@scrapstuff.co.uk.